Thursday, January 29, 2009

Coastal Living

So, I just wandered over to the Coastal Living website and my Beach Sand Letters are on the home page!  Last year, the decorator for their idea house contacted one of my online affiliates, Coastal Gifts, asking for a set of the letters to decorate the idea house that would be in the magazine last October.  I thought that was the end of my 15 minutes until I popped over to their site today and saw them on the home page!  Click here to see them....they are over there on the left, on the window sill in the laundry room shot.  Who knows how long they will be there, but it certainly made my day!  If you would like a set of your very own, head on over to Coastal's a great site with many other cool coastal gifts.  
Have a great day!

Sunday, January 18, 2009

I just put some new cards in the shop for Valentines
 Day...or as I like to call it, ValenTIDES Day!
Go check 'em out in the shop!

Tuesday, January 6, 2009


In the designing of my 2009 Seaside Desk Calendar, I accidently left a date off the February page.  Since I print these in-house, I can fix the problem and mail out replacement pages.  If you have purchased a 2009 Seaside Desk Calendar from a store or at one of my shows, please contact me for a free replacement February page.  If you have purchased a calendar from my shop, Seaside Designs  on Etsy, I am sending out replacement February pages to all of you this week.

Friday, January 2, 2009


I learned a lot of things during my winter's rest...

I learned that if it snows....make a snowman, darnit!  That snow will not last and your kids will only be the age they are at this moment once.  So take the time to bundle up and get on out there and make one together while you still can.  The laundry can wait....

I learned that if you teach a 7 year old how to crochet a simple chain, she will crochet and crochet until that chain is 30 feet long, and then, her older, too-cool-for-school sister will join the fun and make herself some very cool crocheted necklaces and belts.  A new skill is a wonderful thing...

I learned that gingerbread houses and sugar cookies look so much better when I relax and let the girls go at it, make a mess and decorate them the way that they want to, not the way I want to.  

I learned that flowers blooming in the winter are much more appreciated than their spring counterparts.  A touch of spring on the dining room window sill is so wonderful, even though they stink.  (does anyone know of a variety of Paperwhites that actually smell good?)

And I learned that my mothers hands, my hands and my oldest daughters hands look EXACTLY alike.  These hands may not look pretty with manicured nails and all, but boy are they capable of doing many amazing and creative things, and boy, am I looking forward to creating many new and exciting things this year!